Monday, April 27, 2015

April Post

I completed my 50 hours of mentorship at the clinic. I was able to also finish my independent component, which was extra hours at the clinic. The extra hours really helped me gain more knowledge on the topic. I learned so much from my mentorship and I'm glad I got to do my senior project on veterinary medicine. I met so many great people at the clinic and learned a lot from them. I was glad I finished my mentorship so I can focus on my presentation and how I'm going to execute it.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Blog 19: Independent Component 2

(a) “I, Jessica Castillo, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.”

(b) My mentor, Dr. Gene Metzger and the entire staff at Country Animal Clinic and Priceless Pets Orphanage.

(c) Hours up to date.

(d) I did extra hours at Country Animal Clinic and volunteered at Priceless Pets. I went to the clinic after school on Fridays and on Saturdays. I helped the staff prepare for their low vaccination clinic and then helped run it on Saturday. At Priceless Pets, I helped walk dogs, cleaned around the orphanage, informed customers about the animals, and helped at adoption center.

By doing extra hours at Country Animal Clinic, I was able to talk more with the staff and gain more insight into the field. I witnessed how important it was for them to work together during low vaccination clinics. There were always people waiting outside to get in and the staff was always busy running around trying to see everyone. This also showed me how well the staff at the clinic communicated with each other. It allowed things to run smoothly. Volunteering at Priceless Pets allowed me to use and improve on my people skills. It is important to the veterinary practice and is part of the communication answer to my essential question. I was able to talk with customers and inform them about animals they were interested in. It was an overall great experience to both volunteer and do extra hours. I gained so much more knowledge and was also able to have fun.
Molly at low vaccination clinic.
Sara volunteered & helped find a home for Belle at an adoption event.
Couple that adopted Bandit.

I was able to do extra hours at the veterinary clinic. This helped further my knowledge in the veterinary field, but also allowed me to see other ways in which a vet and vet tech work together to help animals. My volunteer work at Priceless Pets allowed me to help animals in need, as well as improve my people skills. These people skills are needed in the veterinary field and are a form of communication, which is one of my answers to my essential question. I was able to use my learned people skills and knowledge from my extra hours at the vet clinic and apply it to real life. This gave me a deeper understanding of the field and taught me the importance of communication with those around me.