Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Blog 17: Answer 3

1. EQ
How can a veterinarian and veterinary technician work together to best help an injured or sick animal?

2. Answer 3
Lastly, they can work together in ensuring a full recovery of an animal.

3. Three details to support the answer (fact and example)
- Technicians need to make sure the animal is able to breathe correctly and on its own after being put under with anesthesia. At my mentorship, there is a vet tech assistant that makes sure the animal is fully under and to make sure they wake up and breathe on their own after surgery.

- Part of the recovery is making sure the wound is healing properly and no infection becomes present. An example of this would be when the vet has to cut open and animal and stitch them back up; the vet has to make sure the stitches are tight and won't come undone. This ensures no infection will come to the sight of the surgery and allow for little scaring.

- The veterinary staff also needs to ensure the animal goes home with the proper medication. This could be antibiotics or pain medication. It could also include a cone, or e-collar, to ensure the animal doesn't lick the sight of the wound and cause infection or the stitches to come undone.

4. Research sources to support details and answer
- Helping Your Dog Recover After Surgery,
- Pets and Anesthesia,
- Anesthesia for Pet Surgery: Risks and Safety,

5. Concluding sentence
"We have more to learn from animals than animals have to learn from us." - Anthony Douglas Williams - Inside the Divine Pattern

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